Meet the Bandobeenie Bees™!
Glory and her family live in a hive at Glory Bee Farm. You can learn all about their lives in glory’s adventure book.
Glory Bandobeenie
The protagonist and adventurer, we see our main character from birth throughout her entire life.
She is a little impulsive and immature but adorable and kind.
Sweet Bee Bandobeenie
Glory’s best friend and little sister, she is the other half of the little power duo in the hive.
Angela Bandobeenie
One of Glory’s teachers, big sister and the “good cop” part of the training.
Commander Cranky Pants Bandobeenie
The second more intense teacher. CC was born with more German genetics than the other girls. She is Angela’s teaching partner and Glory’s other big sister. Bad cop!
Franchesca Bandobeenie
The Italian speaking Queen Mother of the colony. Fran, as matriarch, is a more behind the scenes character.